10 Alternative Uses for Oatmeal

10 Alternative Uses for Oatmeal
Oatmeal isn't just for eating. Check out 10 great alternative uses for oatmeal. You'll be surprised.

How to get a good start in the morning:

How to get a good start in the morning:
Mornings are tough in the Pacific Northwest when it is rainy and dreary. I know all the why’s: sluggishness, lack of Vitamin D, less sunlight but what do I do about it?  

Oh my aching back!!

Oh my aching back!!
Are you like me with more and more aches, creeks, and cracks as you age? In general for me, it isn’t severe and I haven’t had to resort to any type of prescription pain killers. But then I don’t even like taking the over-the-counter pain meds.  I’ve been looking at some alternative, more natural ways to be proactive with pain and the creekiness of aging.  Here’s some you may already know but some really surprised me.

Let me introduce myself:

I started this page but haven’t really introduced myself. I am a wife, a rehabilitation medical case manager, a good friend (I hope) and a sister to lots of brothers and sisters with lots of nieces and nephews. I now live in a suburb of Seattle and spend time with my husband here and at our tiny home in Arizona.  I grew up in a rural Montana town

So what is all the excitement about Kombucha?

So what is all the excitement about Kombucha?
I’ve been hearing so much about Kombucha, I decided to do a little checking and to try it.  I had to search a bit to find one I liked because I’m not a fan of vinegar and most of them are very vinegary.  I also found out a few things about why people think it’s so amazing.
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