Oh my aching back!!

Are you like me with more and more aches, creeks, and cracks as you age? In general for me, it isn’t severe and I haven’t had to resort to any type of prescription pain killers. But then I don’t even like taking the over-the-counter pain meds.  I’ve been looking at some alternative, more natural ways to be proactive with pain and the creekiness of aging.  Here’s some you may already know but some really surprised me.


Carrots:   The pigment which gives the carrot it’s orange color is a study-proven anti-inflammatory. Researchers in Australia found that about a cup a day can cut joint pain by 45% in 10 days!!  Maybe we should be saying “A carrot a day keeps the doctor away.”


Avocados:   They have a rich amount of inflammation-taming, tissue-healing plant compounds. But here’s a tip. Research found that the dark green parts of avocado that clings to the peel has the highest concentration of health-boosting antioxidants.


Salmon:   I love, love, love blackened salmon. Did you know that it is helpful in decreasing nerve pain? Salmon has the healthy fats, EPA and DHA, plus an amino acid called L-arginine.  Together these help calm and heal damaged nerves and the dilate blood vessels to allow blood to better reach the tissues that need it.


Cucumbers:   Try them for an upset tummy. They have a compound called salicylic acid which calms overactive pain nerves in the digestive tract.


Potato Skins:  Now this one really surprised me. I love potato skins but now I love them even more. They are said to reduce the risk of chronic muscle tension and painful spasms by as much as 65%. They are a great source of potassium which in turn helps muscles contract properly and stay fully relaxed when not in use (i.e. muscle cramps!!)


       And don’t forget the proactive things we can do and do without:


Turmeric (with Curcumin):  The one I take also has undenatured collagen and hyaluronic acid.  All of these are excellent for joint and tissue health.  


MSM:   Methylsulfonylmethane, a naturally occurring organic form of dietary sulfur needed to maintain protein structure, protect cells, and to replenish and preserve connective tissue. 


☹  Sugar:  OK this is one to do without or limit.  Did you know that all that sugar we take in (even if we are not candy-holics) increases inflammation, which in turn can lead to joint and heart issues?  Sugar and chronic pain do not go well together. This is a tough one for me to give up but I know it will be worth it.


What are your best “remedies” for pain, whether transitional (headaches) or chronic (backaches)?  


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Muscle Rub

  • 12 drops of Cool Azul essential oil
  • 12 drops of Basil essential oil
  • 5 drops Marjorum essential oil
  • 4 drops Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil
  • 5 drips Wintergreen essential oilIn
Combine into a 5 ml bottle. Top with carrier oil.


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