Greenwashing Makeup
Have you noticed all the products, from makeup to weed killers, that are labeled clean, green, natural, non-toxic, etc.?  It’s great that we are starting to look at what we put on, breath, or put in our bodies, but are we really getting what we think we are getting?  Again, that word “Greenwashing” comes to mind.
Greenwashing is when a product makes claims to be natural, eco-friendly, organic or environmentally conscious—when they aren't any of those things—It's a sales tactic.  
Let’s just look at the beauty industry. Unfortunately, it is almost unregulated. It’s hard to believe but brands regulate themselves, for the most part.  According to Annie Jackson, co-founder and COO of Credo Beauty, “There are no legal definitions for natural, naturally derived, renewable, sustainable, synthetic, and the like, and there’s a lack of oversight to hold brands accountable for backing up these claims,” she adds. 
So, the reality is that anyone can say their product is “natural,” “green,” or “clean.” This only makes it harder for the consumer.
To emphasize our situation in the US, did you know that the European Union (EU) bans over 1300 chemicals in personal care products.   The US only bans 11.  Yup!! ONLY 11. 
Moral of the Story….Do your homework.  
But I’m convinced that it’s never too late to make those changes and I’ve found ways to become that smart consumer. I have a great (and Free) resource called, 7 Ways to Avoid Greenwashing.” I can show you what to look for in the labels.  Just because it’s on the store shelf does not mean it is safe for daily use or in conjunction with all the other products we use.  Here’s the link to this guide
I truly believe that knowledge is key.  Know more. Do better.


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