Breakfast Tips
I know… advice for what is good to eat for breakfast changes constantly. First, we should eat eggs, then we shouldn’t.   Well, it seems now studies show that starting your day with eggs may actually ward off heart disease.   How?  Apparently, it increases HDL, the “good” cholesterol. Plus, this increases the compounds in our blood which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks.
Another up and down breakfast “food” (food to me) is coffee.  Studies at Johns Hopkins University show that a cup of coffee can protect against kidney damage. They suspect that the caffeine and antioxidants in the coffee improves the blood and oxygen flow to the kidneys.
A great additive to coffee is a little bit of cinnamon (I use a drop of Cinnamon Vitality essential oil by Young Living).   It can substitute for sugar.   There have been studies that show as little as ¾ teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help slim your waist by 522%.   The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon is a natural fat burn boost.
And that glass of orange juice (fresh squeezed is best).  Lots of Vitamin C which we know can hold back illness and increase immunity efficiency.   But how much Vitamin C?  Studies showed that 110 mg daily was enough for someone weighing less than 132 lbs.  For every additional 22 lbs., add 10 mg.  Or add a cup of berries.
But what about meal-replacement drinks some of us love for breakfast?  Well, again studies show that many of them actually work better than calorie cutting for taking weight off.  Go for one with 200 to 400 calories and 15 to 30 grams of protein.  Avoid any artificial sweeteners.
If you want to check out the cinnamon essential oil that I use, go to this link.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Be sure to let me know if you are interested in ordering so I can help you get the discounted rate.


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