7 Tips to getting a great sleep
  1. We know that Melatonin can help with sleep.   But did you know pistachios can actually help relax the brain so it produces more melatonin. Try ½ cup of pistachios before bed as a snack.
  2. Another trick to relax your brain is to put a little saffron in your daily diet. Studies show that it can increase the amount of restorative sleep by 60%.
  3. Who loves chocolate? But for sleep, it has to be milk chocolate. Just a few ounces can help you relax and feel sleep. The cocoa and sugar (remember, just a small amount) can tamp down the brain’s production of orexin, an alertness hormone.
  4. And if you have trouble sleeping because of achy joints, consider a cup of mango cubes. The University of Pennsylvania researches found that the mango has constituents which reduce joint inflammation by about 68%.
  5. I’m not a big fan of edamame but did you know they can help eliminate hot flashes. They are full of plant estrogens, which work on the temperature-controlling region of the brain.  
  6. Any type of rice with dinner or as an evening snack can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.  The carbs in the rice are quickly absorbed and create a blood-sugar spike that triggers the brain to release serotonin (the calming, sleep-deepening hormone).
  7. And, you know it.  Essential Oils can also be hugely effective for sleep. I’m sure you’ve heard of using Lavender to relax and promote sleep, but there are many others that are even more effective.  And there’s lots of ways to use them; diffuse some lavender and vetiver (we use for a really deep sleep), roll some Peace & Calming on your feet, or do a scent tent with a drop or two of Frankincense.  These are only a couple.  Check out the bundle I’ve put together of some of the best sleep supporting products.


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