🎉 June Oil of the Month: Sacred Sandalwood.
Each month we focus on using an oil every day to help us in accomplishing our goals. For June, we are focusing on an oil that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for skin care, yoga, meditation, and emotional release - Sacred Sandalwood!

Nickname: The Oil of Emotions

Description: Sacred Sandalwood is a variety of sandalwood that provides an uplifting, warm, woodsy, and sweet aroma while also offering a variety of skin benefits. Sandalwood can also help enhance deep sleep!

💗 When it comes to emotional healing, Sacred Sandalwood can help remove negative programming from our cells. Sandalwood is high in sesquiterpenes which can stimulate the pineal gland and limbic system of the brain where our emotions are stored. The pineal gland is also responsible for releasing melatonin, regulating the immune system and other body systems. We can use this oil daily to help reprogram our brains towards positivity, gratitude, and joy despite past traumas. Use this oil intentionally every day and repeat positive affirmations over your life and situation to help remove that negative programming!

Home: India

Some Key Constituents: Alpha-Santalol, Beta-Santalol

✨ Application:

Apply to the base of the skull and forehead before bed for magical sleep.

Use in your daily moisturizer or make your own glow serum (2oz. dropper bottle, 10 drops Sacred Sandalwood, 10 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Blue Tansy or Rose - optional)

Pair with Neroli, Orange, or another favorite oil and wear it as a perfume daily.

Apply over your heart or on your wrists as needed or desired.

Diffuse during meditation to promote feelings of grounding and spirituality. - - Sacred sandalwood pairs well with Frankincense or Sacred Frankincense and Patchouli.

Apply over the heart and diffuse as you intentionally process past trauma or negative programming, repeating positive affirmations over your life: “I am safe. I am loved. I am worthy. I am enough.”

Remember to use EVERY day as you repeat the truth that you are worthy of love, success, and joy.

✨ Diffuser blends:

Sydney, Australia: 4 drops Eucalyptus Radiata, 2 drops Sacred Sandalwood, 2 drops Blue Cypress, 2 drops Geranium

Vitamin Sea: 5 drops Sacred Sandalwood, 3 drops Lime, 2 drops Lemon Myrtle, 2 drops Orange

Hawaiian Sunrise: 3 drops Sacred Sandalwood, 2 drops Lime

You can also find Sacred Sandalwood in the Oils of Ancient Scripture collection, Brain Power, Dream Catcher, Harmony, Magnify Your Purpose, and White Angelica oil blends.

Are you with us? Will you use Sacred Sandalwood daily with us this month to reprogram our thoughts towards joy, reset our bodies with deep sleep, and ground our minds and hearts?!

Want to learn more about Essential Oils. Here are some easy steps to get started:
- Join my Facebook Community, Diffusing Info.  This group is full of great info on the oils, how to safely use them, why to use them, DIY, as well as many of the other natural products we offer.  Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/1196710297020854

- Or sign up for my email lass on Essential Oils 101:  http://jocelynnelson.com/landing/what-are-essential-oils

1 Comment

  1. Most definitely going to add it to my list!! Will be perfect for me!

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