Liver Support

Did you know that you can support your liver by what you drink?  Yup. There are drinks we can have that are excellent support for our liver.  The first is Lemon water.  Lemon fires up the production of liver enzymes that break down fat in the liver.  That’s because lemon has the compound d-limonene, which also helps curb tiredness and brain fog.   Sign me up. Just a few slices of lemon in your water works.  Or just put in a teaspoon of Lemon juice.  But I like to go to my “stash” of essential oils for a drop of Lemon Vitality.   I prefer it to lemon slices.  The pulp in the slices is very acidic (not good for my teeth), but the essential oil is made from the pulp so it doesn’t have that acidity.  


Another great liver supporting drink is… (drumroll please)…..Coffee.  I know, but like everything, moderation is the key.  For best results reduce the amount of milk and sugar since sugar causes the liver to store fat.


And last but not least, 3 cups of hot or cold iced green tea daily could make your liver’s fat stores plunge by 30% (according to researchers at the University of Connecticut).  The catechins in green tea energize liver cells to burn fat.  Perfect for that mid-afternoon slump.

If you are interested in learning more about how we use essential oils in our everyday lives, check out my private Facebook group called Diffusing Info.  This is a great place to learn more, ask questions, search topics, or just to see what others are doing with their oils.  Click here to check out the group.

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