I need to just get going!

I have a confession:   I am very inconsistent in exercising (actually almost non-existent).  Once I get going I enjoy it. I just have a hard time getting going.  So here’s one of the things I’m going to incorporate into 2021. (Notice I didn’t say “try to incorporate” and I didn’t call it a resolution).  It’s called stacking activity.  Piggybacking activities so you are moving more.  Here’s an example:  When I’m on hold (which happens a lot dealing with all the medical offices I have to call), I’m going to get up and move in place until the call goes through.  Here’s another idea.  I'm going to park a ways away from my destination so I have to walk a little more to get there.  It sounds crazy but it works for me.  I even do leg raisers while I’m drying my hair.  (Sorry for the visual!!)  My key to 2021 is to get moving more.  2020 and the isolation about did me in.  I’d love to hear your ideas.  


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