That Smells Good
Essential oils are so much more than an alternative for candles (even though that is a great place to start).  Essential oils have been used for centuries for all kinds of things; meditation, prayer, healing, relaxation, to name only a few.   Here’s some easy examples of how they can change our overall day and our wellbeing.
Tangerine Essential Oil:  Great for relaxation. Research shows that Tangerine oil can lower stress and restore calm in as little as 60 seconds.  
Chamomile Essential Oil: Researchers at the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland found that chamomile oil sooths abdominal inflammation, helps release digestive enzymes, and calms painful muscle spasms sometimes associated with bloating or queasiness.
Rosemary Essential Oil:  This is amazing for focus.  Works on that brain fog.  British researchers found that it heightened alertness, focus, and mental stamina in just 30 seconds. 
Eucalyptus Essential Oil:  It’s that time of year when we start getting those seasonal symptoms; congestion, coughing, stuffiness….  Eucalyptus contains a compound called cineole which has been found to open sinuses and improve drainage just by smelling it.
Bergamot Essential Oil:  Need a boost of energy? Scientists at Brigham young University found that this aromatic compound reduced the production of stress hormones, and raises a brain chemical, GABA, which fosters calm and focused energy.
Peppermint Essential Oil:  Inhaling peppermint oil can sooth a headache or tummy ache. Compounds in the oil can relax muscles and calm overactive pain nerves (according to the International Journal of Preventive Medicine). If you want to put a little on your temples, be very careful not to get it in your eyes and try a spot first to see how your skin reacts.  This is considered a “hot” oil and can cause irritation and a burning sensation.
There are a lot of ways to use the oils but here’s a few easy ones:
  1. Diffuse a few drops of the essential oil.
  2. Put a drop or two in the palm of your hands, cup your hands over your nose, and inhale.
  3. Add some oils to a damp washcloth and place on the shower floor (not in direct line of the spray).
  4. Take a few inhalations directly from the bottle. I always suggest you start with the bottle away from your nose and slowly bring it towards you until you can smell it.
  5. Add to your body lotion.
  6. Put a few drops on your temples, back of your neck, your wrists, or the bottom of your feet. Test the area first.  Start small and build up. Always avoid your eyes.
  7. Put a few drops on a cold light bulb and then turn the light on. 
  8. Massage it on your tummy.
I strongly recommend that you do your research. Essential oils are not well regulated and companies can make claims that aren’t always based in fact.  I love the Young Living oils because I know where they come from (I’ve visited some of the farms), I know how they are distilled (generally first distillation with only stainless steel and glass and no solvents used), I know what goes into them (no synthetics, fillers, or additives), and because of my experience with their effectiveness.  Please, do your research.
If you want to take a look at the oils I use, you can go to the Young Living site, then click “Shop.”  Let me know if you have any questions.


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