Why do we have to settle for increased aches and pains as we age?
I say we don’t.  I know you hear that it is a natural part of aging. But what if it isn’t?   One definition of inflammation is “The human body trying to protect itself from unwanted and harmful organisms, internally and externally.”  Harmful organisms can be bacteria or viruses that cause swelling on the inside of organs, which in turn damages cells, and releases toxic chemicals into the body causing tissue to become inflamed.  
OK, did you see anything in that definition that says it always happens as we get older? No. Could it just be that our exposure to harmful organisms increases as we age? But that doesn’t mean it HAS to increase. In a lot of cases, it is due to our lifestyle over the years. Without getting on my soap box about all the toxins in our day to day lives, here’s just a couple things to think about to decrease that exposure in your life.
  1. Avoid sugar as much as possible. This is the #1 cause of inflammation in the US. Look at your labels. Almost all processed food has sugar and in surprisingly large quantities.
  2. Trans Fats are the unhealthy fat. We still need fat in our diet so do your research and make sure you are getting the best. Switch out Vegetable oil for Avocado Oil, coconut or olive oil. Try Ghee instead of butter or margarine.  There are lots of great switches you can do.  Just google “alternatives to trans fats.”
  3. Omega 6 Fatty Acids  This includes mayonnaise, soybean oil, sunflower oil, palm oil (in almost everything), or corn oil.
  4. Refined carbs such as white bread, pasta, or white rice. 
  5. Alcohol.  Ask your physician what a safe amount is. We all know the emotional and behavioral damage that can be done with excessive alcohol abuse but there is a lot of physical damage that can be done too. 
  6. Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausage, deli cuts, bacon, or pepperoni. If you want a meat, go for the non-processed meats.  Avoid meats that are already prepared and just need to be heated.  
  7. Pizza.  I know, this is a tough one.  Most pizza is made with cheese which is a main source of saturated fats. Sadly it can increase inflammation, worsens arthritis symptoms and can increase the risk of developing heart problems.  It might sound crazy, but we have learned to love a cauliflower crust pizza with only red sauce, basil and other great herbs, sometimes some great veggies, and just a few dollops of fresh mozzarella cheese.
  8. MSG and Gluten.  You don’t have to go gluten free; just watch how much you take in.  I’ll bet its more than you think.  MSG has been linked to chronic inflammation and increased symptoms of arthritis. Gluten actually causes inflammation as an allergic reaction.
Try dropping a few of these items from your lifestyle and see the changes it can make.   Of course, it isn’t automatic. It took time for your body to build up the inflammatory responses. It will take time for the inflammation to calm down so you can have that great retirement life you have been planning on.  

Be sure to sign up for my blog to get all the facts we need for aging and retiring healthy and active.

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