Well, once again it is flu season. I know we can’t get rid of all the “bugs,” but we still need to think about disinfecting to keep us as healthy as possible.  
Here’s a list of the most essential spots to clean and disinfect; some of them things we never think about. This list can help you get started.

  • Light switches
  • Doorknobs (on the inside and outside and also the locks on the doors)
  • House keys and car keys
  • Cellphone and landline
  • Earbuds & headphones
  • Refrigerator handle
  • Oven knobs
  • Small kitchen appliances
  • Drawer pulls
  • Sink knobs
  • Bathtub knobs
  • Toilet flusher
  • Toothbrush
  • Hairbrush
  • Makeup and brushes
  • Any bottles of hair care or skin car
  • Desk
  • Computer screen
  • Computer mouse or laptop touchpad
  • Computer keyboard
  • Windows
  • Mirrors
  • TV remote
  • Car door handles
  • Steering wheel of your car
  • Dashboard of your car (including the radio and air vents)
  • Gear shift of your car
  • Rearview mirror of your car
I know. It’s a long list.  I’m going to take a few every day and cycle about every 4 days.   There’s 28 on this list so I’m going to do about 7 every day.  Some are easy to put together.  This isn’t just so my house will sparkle (who am I kidding…). It’s so both my husband and I can relax and know that we are doing what we can to stay healthy. Getting some of these “bugs” gets harder and harder every year as we age.  Be safe friends.
And of course, I have my non-toxic products that I love to use.  If you want check them out, click here.



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