Frankincense - The oil of the Season.

"And they presented Him with gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh."

It’s the season of Frankincense. I thought it would be fun to learn a little more about this holiday essential oil and resin. Did you know it is derived from the resin of the Boswellia tree found in Africa and Oman? The resin can be burned (as in the picture) or it can be distilled as an oil.

💖The Omani Sacred Frankincense resin this oil is distilled from is often regarded as the most highly prized form of Frankincense and is thought by many to be the type of Frankincense referred to in the Bible. (There are over 52 references to Frankincense in the Bible)

💖Frankincense is considered a holy oil in the Middle East and has been used anciently during spiritual ceremonies.

💖It has also shown an ability to help reduce brain “noise,” while enhancing calmness, allowing the brain to better use its own innate abilities for learning and decision making.

💖Frankincense may also help one have a better attitude, which in turn can help to strengthen the immune system.

💖Promotes feelings of relaxation and tranquility, and increases meditation and spiritual awareness.

💖It is a beautiful addition to your skin care protocol, promoting the appearance of healthy-looking skin.

💖It has a grounding, woodsy aroma that is amazing to diffuse.

💖Do a “PubMed” search for all the studies that have been done, referring to the benefits of Frankincense. Don’t take my word for it. 😊

I am so grateful for this resin and the oil to help me quiet my mind, tune out the noise and focus on the things that matter during this hectic season. This would be a beautiful introductory oil and I'd love to help you get started.


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