I started this page but haven’t really introduced myself. I am a wife, a rehabilitation medical case manager, a good friend (I hope) and a sister to lots of brothers and sisters with lots of nieces and nephews. I now life in a suburb of Seattle and spend time with my husband here and at our tiny home in Arizona.  I grew up in a rural Montana town, in an area of homesteading families made of that “true grit” of the old West. My father died when I was quite young, leaving behind a young widow with 8 young children. I’ve learned so much about independence, hard work, honor, and good values from my mother.  And I’m lucky to still have her near us as she turns 93 this year. The picture of the old homestead on the prairie is where my mother grew up with 4 of her siblings. No electricity and lots of hard work; but also lots of love. That grandfather lived to be 100 so between him and my Mom, I’m thinking I might be around for a while. I realize I need to make good choices so I can have a long life of quality. 


I have always been in the medical field and interested in science and health. Consequently, I see the strengths and the weaknesses of our health system.  I also see how we are not as evolved in our wellness programs as we could be. Medicine has been geared to “getting people better” and modern medicine is truly amazing. Actually miraculous.  But now I think we can have the luxury of, and possibly the duty to, “keep people healthy to begin with.” I am also fascinated by the way the mind affects the body. And how the choices we make with our thoughts and emotions really affect us physically. There is so much untapped potential that at times it is immobilizing. We are numb to what we could achieve.


I am starting my last year of employment, planning to retire this December.  So now that I have more time to act and not just react, I am making some major changes in my life. I am becoming more intentional at working towards a healthy lifestyle with less chemicals and synthetics. I have been doing some personal growth studying to that my mind and body do not work against each other.  All this has really opened up a whole new world to this little ole’ gal from Montana. 


My purpose with my page is to really look into the things we can change, know what we can’t change (and avoid them), and feel positive in all that we do. This is an invitation to join me in this journey.


My FavoritE: Sacred Seven Serum

  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Joy
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil 
In a 10 ml roller bottle, add the essential oils and then fill with the coconut oil. Shake before  using.


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