Summer Facials
Since we are on a Summer Theme this month, let’s not forget our faces.  They can take a beating in the summer sun, doing all the summer activities, and from our busy schedule and our tendency to neglect our normal routines.  
I love using natural ingredients for my skin care. If you buy your facial masks, be sure to read the ingredients. Make sure you know what those ingredients are and if not, look them up.  Absolutely stay away from any with “fragrance.”  That is a catch all in the beauty industry and generally includes lots of nasty ingredients. I love the two masks that Young Living has – The charcoal mask and the Art Beauty Masque (it is made with orchids!!). But I also love making my own. 
There are a lot of recipes for DIY masks but here are some of my favorites; easy and all-natural. 
Avocado and Oatmeal Mask
  • 1/2  Avocado
  • 1/4  Cup of Cooked Oatmeal. 
You can take it up a notch with essential oils.  I would suggest Lavender or Frankincense and then only a couple drops of each.
Once you have it mixed, put it on your face and/or hands (hands are notorious for telling our age). Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse. You can do this a couple times a week, depending on your skin type and how much damage you have. This should be good for taking care of some of those wrinkles or at least delaying the inevitable.  
Mango Papaya Honey Mask
Natural enzymes from fruit and honey will exfoliate the skin by dissolving dead skin cells without disrupting healthy cells. Masks only work on the very surface of the skin and should not be done more than twice weekly, as over exfoliation can cause the problems already mentioned. I just love this mask in particular, as it includes ingredients that can be found all summer long!
  • Cut up mango and papaya--mash together ¼ cup papaya and mango chunks (equal parts) in a small bowl – or use blender / processor
  • Add 1 tablespoon raw organic honey
  • Add 2 drops Young Living Palmarosa oil (known for skin rejuvenation and boosting cellular activity, as well as balancing oil and moisture levels in the skin!)
  • Stir until honey is completely incorporated
  • Cleanse skin and leave damp, pull hair away from face
  • Apply thick layer of the mask and massage in gently
  • Leave on skin for at least 15 minutes
  • Rinse thoroughly (warm compressing optional)
  • Apply appropriate serum or moisturizer
Sweet Little Face Mask
  • 1 Tbs Honey
  • 1 Tbs Bentonite Clay
  • 1 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 2-3 drops of Geranium Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
Add water to make a paste
Apply and let it set for 15 – 30 minutes
Rinse with water and facial soap
Beaming Beauty Mask
  • ½ tsp Activated Charcoal
  • 1 tsp Bentonite Clay
  • 1 tsp Aloe Vera
  • 3 drops Stress Away Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil
Add water to make it the consistency of toothpaste
Apply and let it set for 15 – 30 minutes
Rinse with water and facial soap
Another Oatmeal Mask:
  • 1 Tbs. of oatmeal in a food process or even a coffee grinder. 
  • Mix in 2 tsp. of homey and ¾ tsp of warm water
  • Add a few drops of skin loving essential oils like Patchouli, Geranium, Jasmine, Frankincense, or even Lavender. 
Apply to your face and then relax for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. The oatmeal is great for exfoliation and absorption of excess skin oils, while the honey moisturizes. 
If you’re interested in the masks from YL, here are the links:
For the Art Beauty Masque:  
Or for the Charcoal Mask:
 Have a great Summer.


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