How to get a good start in the morning:

During the months of January, February and March it is really hard for me to wake up happy and ready for the day. And that isn’t just because I live in the Pacific Northwest, known for its dreary days.   This has always been an issue for me.   It became real when I was in college and started noticing that my worst quarter was always Winter Quarter.  I know all the why’s: sluggishness, lack of Vitamin D, less sunlight, …..  But what to do about it?  


For me the fist step was to choose happiness.  I truly believe that happiness is a choice. The first thing I do when I wake up is to look at my two puppies (8 year old Pomeranians). They immediately give me joy.  What is something that gives you joy that you can place so you see it as soon as you wake up?


My second step has been to get a morning routine that I love and look forward to. I have the luxury of working at home but I still try to be ready for work by 8. However, I get up early enough that I can enjoy my coffee, listen to some great music, and do some reading or writing just for enjoyment. I look forward to my mornings.


And speaking of writing, I started writing a Gratitude Journal last year and I have been pretty consistent with it.  I’m continuing it in 2021. I’m pretty basic.   I try to write down 5-10 things I’m grateful for. These can be as simple as, “I’m grateful for my mornings.”  Then I like to write down 5-10 things I have special intentions or prayers for. I don’t know how to describe the feeling but it is grounding for me. I feel I have more purpose.


Another ‘odd’ thing that I do, is keep my thinking cap on. I love to learn and I usually spend part of the morning listening to video clips or podcasts about all kinds of subjects. Mornings are when I’m most productive and it is easiest to learn. I save the chillin’ to the evenings.  I love to plan in the mornings too.  Yup, I’m a chronic list maker. BUT, I use them.  It gets my day going and I feel like I have a little control over it.


My husband and I have made an intentional effort to be more positive in our day to day happenings. Starting with a good morning has really made a difference.  What are some of your morning routines that are working for you?


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