Why Don't Doctors Tell Us

“In the world of medicine, if I put you on a pill, I could see you back every three months for the rest of your life - that’s how we make money in medicine…  But if I put you on a plant-based diet and you get better, I may never see you again!” 

- an honest Doctor 👩‍⚕️❤


I hope you know by now that I am not against conventional medicine. We have amazing doctors, nurses, and care staff and we have the world’s best scientific knowledge at our disposal.  Of course, we need medicine.  But this is where my opinion differs somewhat.  I totally believe in preventative, wholistic, and wellness medicine.  And of course we can’t stay well all the time.  There is definitely a place for conventional medicine and I am so thankful that I live in a world where it is readily available.


But…..there are some considerations.  This is not from me but I find it really interesting.   I’ve paraphrased some of it.


Someone tell me …..

  • Why don’t doctors tell you to change your diet when you have heart burn and indigestion instead of giving you an antacid? (This actually causes more heart burn, and can increase chances of colon cancer & osteoporosis and leaves food fermenting in your body).
  • Why don’t doctors tell you that herbs and certain foods can also heal?
  • Why don’t doctors tell you to lower toxic chemicals in your home. Or when you have constant headaches or illness, that it can be a result of those toxic chemicals?
  • Why didn’t your doctor tell you that eating things like grapefruit and beets everyday can help to lower your blood pressure naturally?
  • Why isn’t your doctor suggesting that you take a probiotic daily? (This can support so many issues including gut health, digestive health, and natural immunity).
  • Why don’t doctors create diet/lifestyle plans for patients instead of offering a pill. (Diet & lifestyle choices are the cause of illness in 90+% of all cases studied).
  • Why don’t doctors tell you to take supplements to boost your health prior to becoming sick and then requiring pills.
  • Why don’t doctors teach you that your emotions stored in your physical body can cause you mental anguish. Instead they say you need medications? (Emotions can play a very significant roll in our total health. Without tools to help navigate our emotions, we can easily become physically ill).
  • Shouldn’t our medicine and medical providers take a real role in helping people to live better lives? Why do they set up these protocols of pills that, in reality, they probably wouldn’t even take?


We can change this.  Healing is real AND possible.  I truly do not believe that it is cut and dry. Nothing is.  I think people go into the medical field to help people but that’s where it gets difficult.  If a person is in pain but may not make the lifestyle changes needed, it is easier for the health care provider to prescribe a pill or procedure. Plus, with insurance and liability issues, they sometimes have to make a call they wouldn’t necessarily do for themselves or their families.  


What can we do?  We need to be proactive in our own health care and in our wellness care.  I have done some “Cliff Notes” on how we can take a more active role in our health care.  If you would like to review them, just click here to sign up for them and I’ll email them to you.  


Living Young Longer | Jocelyn Nelson



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