My Tips for keeping up with housework

Not my favorite thing to do. But because of that, I’ve learned a few tricks in keeping the house clean….as  you go.  I’m just not one of those people that can commit to a Saturday morning to get everything done.   It works better if I break off little jobs each day.  Here’s some of the tricks I use.


  1. I make my bed every day.  This is where it starts for me.  I just feel like I’m ready to start the day. Plus, there is no temptation to crawl back in.
  2. Also to start the AM, I take about 10 minutes to straighten my living room and kitchen. Some times a bit more if I haven’t done the dishes from the night before. This is just surface but it makes a better first impression and feels less chaotic.
  3. And if I think of it and I’m not too tired, I try to pick up a little each night before I go to bed. Again, this keeps the clutter down.
  4. And then throughout the day and whenever I leave a room, I try to glance around to see if there is anything that needs to be taken out like opened junk mail, car keys, a sweater from the night before.
  5. Simplify your décor. Joe and I are in a phase of downsizing. I realize that clutter and chaos really do impact how I feel each day. If my surroundings are cluttered, so are my thoughts and even my emotions. 
  6. And on that note, I try to have a designated area for donations. Then every month or so, I take them to the nearest Goodwill.
  7. Tidy up while waiting.  I do this while I wait for my coffee to be ready. I usually take that time to put away the clean dishes from the night before.
  8. BIG ONE; Get rid of the chair (or treadmill you never use) in your bedroom. This has been huge for us. No more pile up. We have to put things away and now we do without even thinking.
  9. We have stairs and I used to just put things at the top or bottom. After I had a pile, I would take them up/down on my next trip.  Now I put them in a basket at the top and the bottom.  Looks neater and it reminds me to take the items up (or down). 
  10. I hate cleaning the shower but this trick has changed everything. I clean the shower when I’m in it. (Sorry TMI).  I take a clean washcloth into the shower with me and I have one of those dishsoap wands (usually seen at kitchen sinks). I have it filled with a household cleaner. This is where you need to be picky.   Since you are in the shower you do not want to use a harsh cleaner with nasty chemicals.  I love my all-natural cleaner (ask me what ðŸ˜Š) so I’m not worried if any of it gets on me.  I can easily wash it off. No harm done. I just take one “wall” of the shower each time so I’m not wasting all that water while I’m scrubbing. Cleaning the shower floor once a week becomes a super easy chore.


What are some of your cleaning tips?    


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