5 Ways to get more energy for Spring

Do you see a theme in my posts lately?  I am so ready for Spring.  I read somewhere that the brain’s limbic system (connected to your sniffer) gets sluggish over the winter. And the limbic system is what heightens happiness. And great aromas can quickly wake up the limbic system, chasing away the winter blues. What are some other ways to get in the Spring energetic mood?


  1. Get outside and smell the roses.  As I said, those great aromas from spring flowers wakes up the limbic system. 
  2. Another reason to get outside…Vitamin D-3, “the sunshine vitamin,” has been proven to keep spring sniffles at bay. A recent article published in “Scientific Reports” suggested that a daily dose of D-3 cuts the risk of severe symptoms from viruses. Less sick = more energy.
  3. OK, I have cardamom in my spice rack but I don’t really know what to do with it.  I just read that according to Canadian researchers the sweet, nutty aroma of cardamon can instantly boost your focus and memory. They said to stir it into warm milk, sprinkle it on roasted vegetables (Yum. I want to try that), or mix into muffin or pancake batter. I have a cardamom essential oil that I think would work great in any of these plus I could put it in the diffuser.
  4. Stretch more.  A deep 60 second calf stretch can help you feel more limber and ache-free by signaling your brain to boost endorphin release. Here’s an idea: Stand with the balls of your feet on a stair and your heels hanging over the edge. Hold the handrail and drop your heels until you feel a strong, steady pull in your calves. Hold for 1 minute. Repeat a couple of times.
  5. Diffuse some energy boosting essential oils.  I like to use anything citrus and I mix and match them.  Lemon and Peppermint at old standbys but I also love anything Orange.  I have a ton of citrus oils including Jade Lemon, Tangerine, Lime, Grapefruit, Lemon Myrtle, or Lemongrass.  All of them are great alone but it is fun to mix them up.

Here’s to a Happy Spring.  What are some of your go-to’s to shake off the winter fog and jump into Spring?


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