Chia and Hair???

LOL.  I know what you’re thinking or visualizing.  All those crazy chia heads that sprout hair.  Well actually, chia seeds are good for hair. Here is a fun and natural recipe to try if you want to give your hair more body. And I promise your hear won’t sprout little green things.


Chia seeds are full of protein and can repair damaged hair and prevent the loss of hair over time.  Try this for about 3 weeks, 2 times a week to get the full benefit.


In a bowl, mix 1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds and ½ cup of coconut milk (not coconut oil).  Let the mixture soak for about 5 minutes.  * And if you like to use essential oils, I would add some Rosemary, Cedarwood, and/or Lavender Essential Oils. You can use one drop of each or any combination totaling about 3 drops.  If you use oils, make sure they are good quality with no fillers, etc. Avoid “fragrance.”


Next massage the mix in to clean, dry hair and scalp.  Massage it in for about 1 minute then let sit for about 15 minutes (and while you wait post a picture of yourself…..right!)  After the 15 minutes, rinse well.  After doing this regularly for about 3 weeks, you should notice that your hair is healthier, thicker, but not full of green sprouts!!  


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