3 really good smoothie recipes

I’ve been looking for smoothie recipes that are good for me but also taste great. I haven’t really found a “green smoothie” that I’m excited about but I love these fruit smoothies.  One thing that keeps coming up is that your smoothie should have plenty of protein and have healthy fats. This will increase your energy throughout the day. The ingredient that covers both protein and healthy fat is Peanut Butter, preferably natural peanut butter.  Here’s three really good recipes. Really easy to make:


Blueberry Smoothie:

1 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt

1 cup blueberries

¼ cup peanut butter

¼ tsp. ground ginger (if you have the Vitality Oils, Ginger goes a long way!!)

Put all the ingredients and 1 cup of ice in a blender and puree.


Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup:

1 ½ cut of dark chocolate almond milk

1 banana (sliced and frozen ahead of time)

¼ cup peanut butter

1 Tbs. honey

¼ tsp. mint extract (I use the Vitality Peppermint but only 1 drop)

Put all the ingredients and ½ cup of ice in a blender and puree


Strawberry Starter:

1 cup unsweetened coconut mild

1 cup strawberries (I use frozen and less ice)

¼ cup peanut butter

1 Tbs. honey

1 tsp lemon juice

Puree all ingredients with ½ to 1 cup of ice 


I’d love to get some of your recipes. Please add them in the comments section.  I would like to put a few good “green” smoothie recipes up here so let me know if you have any.   

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