Medicine, Plants and Essential Oils


  1. Plants play a vital role in the ecological balance of our planet. 
  2. At least 30 % of prescription drugs in the United States are based on natural occurring compounds from plants. 
  3. Each year millions of dollars are allocated to universities searching for new therapeutic agents that lie undiscovered in the bark, roots, flower seeds, and foliage of jungle canopies, river bottoms, forest, hillsides, and vast wilderness regions throughout the world. 
  4. Many drugs on the market today are the synthetic version of nature’s remedies.
  5. The most powerful part of the plant is essential oil.
  6. Essential oils have been used medicinally to:
  • Kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
  • Stimulate the regeneration of tissue & nerves
  • Carry nutrients to oxygenate cells
  • Produce exquisite fragrances to balance mood
  • Lift spirits
  • Dispel negative emotions
  • Creates romantic atmosphere


So why aren’t essential oils used more in medicine?


I would say the biggest reason is lack of knowledge.  Essential oils have not been fully studied.  For drug companies, it is not profitable to research because they cannot paten a plant. And without research, it cannot be acceptance by the AMA or taught in conventional medical school.  And because of that, there is a liability issue for doctors recommending something that hasn’t been studies.


All this does not mean that essential oils are not effective.  Likely if you ask your physician about them, he/she will not make a recommendation and if they do not understand it, they will either not recommend it or even advise against it. 


Consequently, it tells me I have to do my own research. There is research out there, it’s just not done by Big Pharma and consequently, not considered by the medical profession.  Here’s a few good resources to turn to if you want to do your own research.


  • NIH (National Institute of Health)
  • PubMed
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • New England Journal of Medicine


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