Have you lost your sense of smell?

Have you lost your sense of smell?
Have you lost your sense of smell from post-"C" infection?  Here are some easy steps you could try to regain some of that sense.

Let’s talk Enzymes:

Let’s talk Enzymes:
What are enzymes? The simplified version – Enzymes help micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) get “unlocked” from bulky, hard-to-digest food particles that can’t be absorbed and utilized by the body. The Enzymes “liberate” the micronutrients so your body can get the max benefit from them.  

Hidden Ingredients in Many Foods and Gut Health

Hidden Ingredients in Many Foods and Gut Health
For good gut health, we know we need a healthy diet of veggies, fruit, high quality protein, and healthy fats.  But did you know that many sauces, dressings, condiments, breads, and convenience foods are packed with an ingredient that can work against your gut health?  Emulsifiers.   

What is the hype about Collagen?

What is the hype about Collagen?
I’ve been hearing a lot about Collagen but I didn’t really know what it was. I did some research and found there are a lot of brands on the market. Here's my tips on how to choose.

Summer Feet

Summer Feet
Are you excited about summer and those cute new flip flops you bought? Or does it bring up insecurities and anxiety about the state of your feet?  If you're in the second category, check out some of my tips for flip-flop-worthy feet.
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